Space Travelers

Hello my name is Semajah, a freshman and I go to GCE Lab School, In my class called Game Changers, we've been learning about games and how hard vs. easy they can be. Mostly about the elements of a game and how you would play it. So I and my team made a game for our class and when you read the rest you will see the steps and different stages we took to make the BEST GAME EVER!

We’ve created a game called Space Travelers. Space Travelers is a game where players are placed on earth and they have to go around the game board and pick up resources from different planets which is Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Neptune. In able to win the first player that feels like they have enough resources to come back to earth with, they stay. The winner with the most resources that comes back to earth wins the game. A backstory about the method of the game is that earth is running out of resources and they need four encouraged people to go to different planets and collect resources before its too late. The person with the most resources will come back to earth and save the earth. The lesson for our game is to be the fastest of them all and take responsibilities to own up to what you can do to help people or even yourself. Making and shaping yourself for better actions, and build that process to be a better person.

To see the rules click here for more information.

Here is our video of what our game is about and a description of how to play:

On how I and my team developed this game, it took us a pretty long time to try and develop a game that would have a good effect on the player. Our struggle was trying to get everything together because of the mindset that we were looking for was way different than we expected. But what I really liked about my game and team is we all thought of different ideas and try and put them together for a better or good game. For my experience, specifically me I feel like the first couple of days to weeks it was hard cause we tried to come with an idea on how to do it. Onto to positive, I believe from where we came before with the method it was really awesome on how we turned it around like that. Towards our game per se, it had a big change because for the draft we tried to use cards but it didn't add up to a point where the game really had to connect with it. The way we designed the game from older version to new took a long time but it was worth it, the time taking that it developed us to make a better game. For the playtest, I think it went well but not as good as we wanted to I felt like the players did not interact as we wanted them to be. We unexpected the expected of how their reaction supposed to be towards our perspective. I’m most proud of the time that we had to do this because we only had limited time and the thoughts we created while doing this. The improvements for our game would add more dexterity not with the body but in the game specifically. Also, we took an FE to lots of games stores and talk to many many game experts,

Look below for our presentation of how our game looks from draft to final version:


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