Ollywoodians Post Production !

Hello my name Is Semajah a freshman and  I go to GCE Lab School and for my class in Ollywood, we've been learning about the mechanics of different films and critiques of it. Let's say for examples like storyboards which is the before the part in images towards a movie or film. Another example is CGI which is the generated cause of different images for a movie. To learn more about this scroll down and listen to the BACKGROUND!

Welcome to "Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind". In the beginning of this movie there is a guy named Joel by the way so he gets up for work like on a regular day but when he walks out he sees that his car is accidentally scratched by this other car and he puts a thank you note on the other person’s car. So to finish his day without forgetting that that happened he drives to the train station to go to work but the train takes forever with time and so he decides to take a train to Montauk which he does not know where he is going he just didn’t feel like going to work that day. He sits on the train and he’s drawing pictures of this girl that he sees on the train but he is also afraid to talk to her, so he stares at her while drawing the exact frame on how she is. She notices that he is looking at her and she gives a distinctive wave or hello at him and with his shyness he says hello back. As she does that she comes up to him and Finlay sits down by him and starts a conversation about her lifestyle. Hopped off the train ride at Montauk. After they start to meet up every once in a while towards them together final, they take trips to different places, meet new opinions about each other, just connect and learn from one another. Shortly after that, an incident happened where he noticed a letter saying that Clementine has erased the memories with him and he gets confused and angry at the same time. And so he does the same but with that being said he wants to forget but in the midst of him wanting to he notices that he can’t and he want to stop it but he can’t.

Intro to images/clips from the movie that describes the different elements happening while he was in his dream or sleep:

Focus Features, 2017. Transfer to another part in the dream

This photo describes towards the end of the movie where he was trying to bring her with him but it wasn't working because she forgot him. 

SlashFilm, Ethan Anderton. 2016

This picture or clip is describing Joel trying to forget the memories with Clementine. So throughout the movie, it's taking his recent memories to the first time he saw her and erasing it like that.

Train Ride. 2004, HD Youtube

This picture explains them first meeting each other, and she then starts to interrogate him with all sorts of questions and statements to start a conversation. Meanwhile, this part is very close to the beginning of the movie and they are on the train.


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