Poem 4 Reducing Inequalities

I am a freshman in GCE Lab School and this Class in Humanities we study whats called SDG's Sustainable Development Goals which this comes from the United Nations. The SDG has 17 goals and those goals support you for a lifetime. Also we take FE's ( field experiences ) when you go xperience learning in another way and for this class I interviewed a lady from GirlFoward HQ. She told me a lot of information about Reducing Inequalities. For my AP I made a poem based on my SDG which is SDG 10 is Reducing Inequalities. So in this poem you will learn about reducing inequalities and advantages and disadvantages in this situation.

Ugly, stupid, gay, dumb those are words of hatred
When you hear the word inequalities do we feel sacred…
Society is not helping, building, or even
Creating something to well I can’t really explain it
But listen to understand
Equal to rights means equal to people.
Believing everything they say won’t make us stronger
accepting people even if you don’t want to even if its longer.
If someone changes their self let them be

Don’t set it up for you or me judging people by what you see
Treating people so unfair is to show that we don’t care
Saying your black and ugly is not a compliment
It’s a threat, it’s just a simple little catch.
That everyone can get
According, to Girl Forward Headquarters they take care of girls
They help them appreciate who they are and what they wanna be
See me I'm just like that, unlike you you little rat.
Don’t mean for me to be rude, i just sick and
tired of society treating like do-do
Women get 77 cents of a $1 towards men
That means that women cannot win
To take a stand

DTE Staff. Reducing Inequalities. Oct 5,2016. 

To make the world equal just like when you peep through that peephole
Watching everyone walk pass
Yes I see you, you don’t understand or realize what you're doing
Inequalities mean not having the right or possibility to be who you wanna
Be, not only about gender race but about where you fit to take your place
When you work do you realize how much you earn
Teaching and learning lessons you don't know
Society is going to go down the drain if we don't stop and use our brains

Man you, man up and take a stand
Show them that you’re a person in it to win again and again
Do be mad or don't be sad just be glad
And show them what you had
Stop playing games and do something
Be Yourself I know you got it in you.


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