Mama Loves Walter

In my Humanities class, Drama. We have been reading different plays. This one specifically is called "A Raisin in the Sun". A Raisin in the Sun portrays a few weeks in the life of the Youngers, an African-American family living on the South Side of Chicago in the 1950s. When the play opens, the Youngers are about to receive an insurance check for $10,000. Our job was to betray as a character in the play talking to Walter about the decision in moving in the house that Linder is selling them or to sell it and leave.

FilmForum. S.W. Sept. 27, 2018
Dear Walter, 
This is your Mama. You know you are my son, and when it comes to choices, I need to be with you every step of the way. I believe you should sell the house to Linder. First and foremost, you know we don’t belong in this neighborhood. Secondly, we are not going to get along with our neighbors. And third, you believe that I will let you stay in this house around a bunch of racists, NO! I’m your mother, and I am here to keep you safe and protect you. Like I said, “There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned nothing.” (Hansberry, 584, Act II).

Walter, honey listen. I know it’s hard for you to try to fit in with these white people. But you have to understand dear, they don’t care about you or us. Linder only wants money, he doesn’t care that a black family trying to live there. So if you sell the house you’ll be doing not just you a favor, but us. Be better than this, don’t buy the house. We don’t belong there. “When you start measuring somebody, measure h;m right, child, measure him right”. (584, Act II). 

This is dangerous honey. I’m begging you don’t move in. Do you want to be looked at differently?  
There’s not a lot I can say honey but sell the house to Linder. He really doesn’t want us there. Remember what he said, he said, “What do you think you are going to gain by moving into a neighborhood where you just aren't wanted and where some well-educated people can set awful worked up when they feel that their whole way of life and everything they've ever worked for is threatened” (571, Act III). I really don’t think it’s a good idea, Walter, plenty of things can happen if we move to that house. 

We can be harassed for simple things like going outside, can’t have barbeques or parties. We might even get hurt. Walter, just sell the house!! You can earn more money than you would if you were living in it. Trust me, just sell the house. Linder doesn’t want black people in the neighborhood you already know what he said about us; “I am sure you people must be aware of some of the incidents which have happened in various parts of the city when colored people have moved into a certain area.” (570, Act III). 
Well, Walter, I’ll let you interpret that on your own. But just let me give you 3 points. One, you obviously see that Linder doesn’t want us here. Two, we don’t belong here, and Three just sells the house. I hope you use this decision wisely. Just like you said; “All God’s children got wings, When I get to heaven gonna put on my wings, Gonna fly all over God’s Heaven. (572, Act III). So, Walter use what you said wisely and be mindful of your thinking. 
Love, You,


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