The Purple Podcast

In Forbidden Books, the term of Dogma and Christianity, we've been learning about different religions, opinions, thoughts on society from history to society now. Mostly about religions and how they came upon, the religions we came across were Muslims, Christianity, Judaism, and Catholicism. A lot of activities that were done were readings based on God and what his rules of "living right by him" were. We went to the Women's Library on Berwyn, we saw different books that we read in class or at least heard of. Talked with the owner of it. But specifically for this AP, we had to choose a book that was abandoned and read it. After finishing the book, we had to pick a character that has they're own dogma (religion, race, gender). By that, we had to do an interview podcast with that character"showing" the dogma and personality of that character with quotes and questions from the interviewer. I chose The Color Purple because I felt like that book brings a lot of dogma in many characters but in mines, there is more. Hope you enjoy it...

The Color Purple Script: 

S: The setting takes place on Celie’s farm in Atlanta, Georgia at 9 am. 
J: Hello 
This is Madison sitting down with Celie to talk about a few things. If you didn’t know, Celie’s story is fascinating, and I think we can learn a lot from her. 
(Birds chirping)
Interviewer: It's a lovely day out here? Right, Celie?
Celie: Yea, you nedda thank God for da sun, wouldn’t be hea without him.
Interviewer: I thought you said God was trifling and lowdown, in the conversation with Shug Avery. In your exact quote, you said “He give me a lynched daddy, a crazy mama, a lowdown dog of a step-pa and a sister I probably won’t ever see again. Anyhow, I say, the God I been praying and writing to is a man. And act just like all the other mens I know” (pg. 192).
Celie: I only said dat, cause Shug was talking bout how God did thangs for me, and I think he didnt because of what he gave me. So yea I was ashamed for it and angry. 
Interviewer: So do you believe in God or you are still in denial because of what he gave you?
Celie: No,no,no. I ain’t in no denial, I believe in Him but just why he had to give me allem bad thangs. I love God with all that’s in me, but I just wanna know why He left me with allis and not tell me how to handle it. You undertstand me now?
Interviewer: Yes, I understand you Celie. 
(Background Music: Maple Leaf Rag Played by Scott Joplin)
Interviewer: In the color purple, Celie doesn’t like that Mr. beat on her and when Sofia does things Harpo does not react the same way Mr. does to her. 
You said “I like Sofia, but she don’t act like me at all. If she talking when Harpo and Mr. _____ come in the room, she keep right on.
If they ast her where something at, she say she don’t know. Keep talking.
“I think bout how every time I jump when Mr. _____ call me, she look surprise.” And like she pity me. Beat her. I say."
Interviewer: So from that, Do you think that men and women are equal?
Celie: No. The man is higher. For example, “I like Sofia, but she don’t act like me at all. If she talking when Harpo and Mr. come in the room, she keep right on. . . I think bout how every time I jump when Mr. call me, she look surprised.” The man ova the woman. That’s why I told Harpo to beat Sophia to make her act right. So that I wouldn’t feel different from ha.”
(Background music: swing low, sweet chariot)
Interviewer: In 1909, The average wage was 22 cents per hour, So the average person would make about $200-$400 a year. On May 17, 1909, a protest over the hiring of black workers on the Georgia Railroad, white fireman went on a strike. They did this because the whites didn’t want to work with black people. They didnt wanted blacks to work with them. Just like when Sofia went to work for Mrs. Millie in her home.
Interviewer: From what I said Celie, How do you feel about Sofia working for the mayors wife, Mrs. Millie?
Celie: I really aint pay it no mind at first. But now that i look at it and notice it. I feel as if Sofia was still in jail she’ll be dead. So i thank whatever she doing right now either its working for ms.millie or something else. At least she alive and thats all that matters. 
Interviewer: you are sure right about that. Life matters
Celie: Sure does.
Interviewer: Well that’s it for me Celie, I appreciate your time being here with me, have a great day.
Celie: Thanks for having me, the same to you. 
(Conclusion Music: Maple Leaf Rag Played by Scott Joplin)

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this AP. I felt like it brought the creative side of me personally and I believe that I did really well on it. One suggestion I would consider is the timing of the AP if I had more time I would've gone "above and beyond". But covering all I liked it and would most definitely do one of these again.


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