I Made Pizza, Wanna Know How?

My first Humanities class of this year is Stories. In this class, we learned about etiologies, adjectives, adverbs, similes, metaphors, sentence structure. We had our first FE where storyteller came to talk to us about descriptive writing and how we could better our Action Projects through storytelling. we visited the Field Museum and learned about the origin stories within other cultures as well at the museum. We are doing this AP to show our understanding of etiologies and storytelling as well as similes, adverbs, and metaphors.

SW. Story Drawing. 2019.

                                                                 Origin Of Pizza

Hello, my name is Pizza, I know you're wondering what is pizza and where it comes from? Well, I’ll tell you. My mother gave me up for adoption when I was about 5 years old because she said she couldn't handle me. I really didn't know what she meant by that so I just said ok thinking it was a thing she just said for me to leave her alone. Four months have passed, and I still have not heard from her. I sent her emails, texts, and even postcards; she still didn't answer. While I was sending her all of those, I was sent from home to home trying to find the best place for me. Man the people that were sending me to all these places did not know what they were doing. I was thinking man I'm tired. 

Finally, they sent me to a home where the mom's name was Ms. Rebecca Jones and her husband Steven Jones. They seemed fine. They fed me, clothed me, and bathe me. They even had an attic! Who has an attic these days? I immediately thought they were rich, so I could be too. The council lady brought me there we took a tour of the house they showed me my room. I looked and said, “Oh my god, my room you sure this mine or was this your other sons”? They laughed saying “Oh no, sweetheart this is completely yours”. I ran into the room with such excitement! I saw a TV, a game and a computer. Boy, I was one lucky person. With all that excitement I felt tiredness come inside my body, making me fall onto the bed shutting my eyes. 

The next day I woke up, to my “parents” or soon to be ones saying good morning sweetie, how are you feeling? I gently said “good” with a confused look on my face. Oh well, that was kind of weird so I went downstairs because I smelt a delicious smell of flat, fluffy pancakes drenched in syrup with very yellow scrambled eggs and sausage that kind of looked like my fingers. I ate it, of course, it was so good! Then they told me you better get ready for school your bus will be here in an hour. I said “SCHOOL”? With a staggered look on my face. I didn't know I had school neither did I want to go. I got dressed put on my shoes and got my bookbag and left outside. Right as I opened the door my parents came behind me smiling with joy in their heart saying “our son is going to school, this is his first day”. I smiled saying “yayy” but I really didn't want to go. Soon enough the bus came, I hopped on it. 

I didn't know anybody, so I tried to look for a seat far in the back. I sat down, gazing out the window with no care in the world. Finally, I made it to school. A teacher escorted me to my classrooms. Lunch had come, I was so hungry. I went into the lunchroom not knowing where the line was, I looked over and saw a line. I rushed into line, the lunch lady smiled at me, handing me shredded cheese, a tortilla and some sauce in a cup. I went to sit down not knowing what in the world I had on my plate. 
I wanted to throw it away, but then a light struck me. I added the red sauce onto the tortilla and then the cheese on top. A couple of kids started looking at me, confused about what I was doing. I ate it, feeling a sensation come to my mouth like the best food in the world. Saying out loud “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted”. Not realizing I actually screamed, getting all the kids' attention they looked around and walked over here to me. They looked and went to grab their plates and did the same thing I did. They tasted it and smiled. School ended, a lot of kids started talking to me, playing with me I felt so special. Some kid asked me “What’s the name of the food you made”? I looked up with my hand stroking on my chin and the word “Pizza” came out my mouth. I don't know where and how it came to my mind but it did. The kid said, “Aw cool, because that pizza thing was the amazing thing this school ever had food-wise of course”. I smiled, not only was I the cool kid I was a kid who made Pizza and everyone liked it. Not a new kid anymore huh?


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