Clean Water = Healthy YOU!

I learned that the earth's surface water is 71% , mostly salt water and only like 3% of fresh water and which fresh water came from glaciers and ices. So , in order to find out more and learn about how much water do we use and how much isn't resourceful to use we went to Chicago river and carried water from the Chicago river to school and back. My gallon of water was 2 gallons and it took me about 18-19 minutes to carry from there and back , plus the water I use daily life is Hygiene- 60 gal , Cooking - 39 gal , Cleaning - 39 gal & Eating/Food - 20 gal and it equaled to 167 gallons I use daily , ( 300g/x = 2g/18min).

Comparing that to other countries that use little amount of water compared to us that use a lot of water , 20-50L of water in Africa and 79.3 billion gallons in the U.S. We also had tested on a grape and seen how much water were produced in it before sending out. I also know that 75% of our brain is water and in our body its about 60% or 61% is water. People don't know sometimes water is a good source for you to use but many people don't have access to clean water or even water period and that sort of compares it from the people that do have water and to people that don't. Mostly what we've learned about is WATER and how much can people handle.

On a hook on how to save water is to get all the water you can get and save it for a important reason. Also.... water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful to humans. It is important because it is needed for life to exist. Many uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. And this information came from that if you use a low-flow shower head, you can save 15 gallons of water during a 10-minute shower. 

Also an importance of saving water is to limit your resources like for example if you have saline water try to make a filter and buy one and get any water and clean it so it can make fresh water. If you have clean fresh water well good for you just make sure you help people out that don't have access to clean or fresh water. Many people who use about 100-200 a week , " woah slow down!" cause little do you know that 200 gallons times 7 days a week is 1400 gallons a month.


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